The road to hell is paved with good intentions. A top ten list.

This year I intend to do all of the following (as hosted by The Broke and the Bookish):

(And, more than likely, fail at most of them. I prefer to think of this sentiment as realistic rather than negative. After all, I intend to do these and I will try my best.)


10. Change over to Disqus. How did you comment on this post? Did I already accomplish this?

09. Complete Apartment Therapy January Cure. Maybe blog about it? Like many other book bloggers, I feel I get stuck in a bit of a rut on the blog. Do I branch out? I don’t want to alienate anyone, but at the same time I want to be authentic, etc. Also, I spend a ton of time on house projects. So it’s easy content, in a way.

08. Comment more. Yeah… Every year I want to do this. This year. This year it’s going to happen.

(Setting myself up to fail with this one.)

07. Discover new blogs. Have any to suggest?

06. Request less. Stay away from all of the Netgalley/Edelweiss temptation.

05. Read more backlist fiction. I don’t want to miss out on some great titles just because I’m trying to keep up with the latest releases.

04. Relax. I’m a tense, to-do list kind of person. When I fail to post, I actually get upset about it. This is a hobby. I need to calm down.

(Easier said than done.)

03. Back up my blog. This one scares me, but I’ve never backed up blog. I keep meaning to…and then I never do. I’d cry if I lost my content.

02. Learn more about blog design. I’d love to figure out more if the behind the scene details. It can’t be that complicated, can it?

01. Come up with a really great goal for the blog.  And then accomplish it.

Bonus: Sleep more, eat right, exercise, get outside, etc. etc. You know, the important things…

Image via Simplified Bee.

27 thoughts on “The road to hell is paved with good intentions. A top ten list.

  1. #6 is on my list for 2015 as well because it’s keeping me from reading books I’ve missed a la your #5 or it’s just keeping me from getting through books that have been on my TBR pile for a long time.

    Oooh, your #3 just reminded me that I haven’t backed up my blog in a while :3 *makes a note to do it later*

    Best of luck with your resolutions next year 🙂 Happy New Year! My TTT


  2. I love the design of your blog! It’s beautiful. I also love your last goal. I always feel so much pressure to think of goals around this time of year, and sometimes they just occur to me later on. I’m sure you’ll hit that one!


    1. That’s what happens with me quite frequently. So I’ve built in the room and who knows, maybe it will allow me to feel extra accomplished when I come up with something good.


  3. I think if you want to start writing about other things you should. I actually love book blogs that do that- it allows the readers to get to know the blogger better and it makes for a more well-rounded site (at least in my opinion). I’d love to read your thoughts on other topics!


      1. I like that people know that you reply to their comment. And the one drawback of it is that it doesn’t allow you to connect your blog. The closest I’ve seen, in a roundabout fashion, is linking through twitter and having your blog in your twitter bio.


  4. Several similar ones on my list too, like commenting. See, I am here commenting on this great and doable list! 🙂 Seriously though, just have fun with it. When I get too stressed out about a “hobby”, I know I need to step back. And I like your posts when you mix it up a bit!


  5. Backing up my blog is high on my to do list as well. Because seriously, if my site goes down… it all vanishes. That’s insanely scary. Reading more backlist fiction is a must for me too. At the very least I just want to focus on books I already own. Good luck with your goals.. 🙂


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